HOW MANY Lyrics is the latest song of singer ARMAAN MALIK. Lyrics of song HOW MANY is written by ARMAAN MALIK. Music of this song is produced by ARMAAN MALIK. This song features ARMAAN MALIK and KRISTIN YAVORSKA.

Singer Armaan Malik
Starring Armaan Malik, Kristin Yavorska
Music Armaan Malik
Song Writer Armaan Malik


Remember when I’d throw stones
At your window i could tell you're the one
You're the end goal
We were set we were what everyone wants

No one thinks when you're deep
And you're in it communicate like
We are on different planets
It was time it was done
But we didn't end no

Look at us now what have we become?
I don't recognise us anymore

How many times can we break our hearts?
How many times can we fall apart?
As long as I love you
As long as you love me too

How many times can we let it go?
After all of it what is left to show?
Nothing we wanted what would we call it?

How many how many
How many how many x(2)

Here we go
Go again guess I'm back here
Different place different ways
Same as last year
All we know only us we never change

Look at us now what have we become
I don't recognise us anymore

How many how many
How many times can we break our hearts?
How many times can we fall apart?
As long as I love you
(as long as I love you)
As long as you love me too
(long as you love me too)

How many times can we let it go?
After all of it what is left to show?
Nothing we wanted what would we call it?
When it's nothing that we wanted

So tell me what'd we call it?
When it's nothing that we wanted
So tell me what'd we call it?

How many times can we let it go?
After all of it what is left to show?
Nothing we wanted what would we call it?

How many how many
How many how many x(2)

Song Credits

šŸ”ˆSong - How Many
šŸ”ˆSinger - Armaan Malik
šŸ”ˆStarring - Armaan Mailk and Kristin Yavorska
šŸ”ˆDirectors - Shivin and Sunny
šŸ”ˆCinematography - Anuj Samtani

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Watch full video of song - HOW MANY - ARMAAN MALIK